【大美广东·中印尼双语】(Bilingual Cina dan Indonesia)67年历史的广交会为何坐稳“中国第一展”?

岭南:超越国界的美丽 | 今天是第 135 届广交会在广州开幕的日子。自 1957 年首次举办以来,广交会已经连续举办了 67 年,你相信吗?改革开放前,广交会是中国对外贸易的主阵地,被誉为 “中国第一展”。但进入21世纪,中国开始与国际接轨,推出了中国国际服务贸易交易会、中国国际进口博览会、中国国际日用消费品博览会等活动,成为与广交会并列的四大国家级展会。

广交会还有魔力吗?当然有!近 70 年过去了,广交会依然焕发着新的活力,证明了 “老字号 “有时依然是 “好东西”。锦绣岭南

[Indah Guangdong]Why is the 67-year-old Canton Fair the “No. 1 Exhibition in China”?

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | Today marks the opening of the 135th Canton Fair in Guangzhou. Since it was first held in 1957, the Canton Fair has been held continuously for 67 years, can you believe it? Before the reform and opening up, the Canton Fair was the main venue for China’s foreign trade and was known as “China’s No. 1 Exhibition”. However, entering the 21st century, China began to align itself with the international community by launching events such as the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the China International Import Expo, and the China International Fair for Consumer Goods, which have become the four major national exhibitions alongside the Canton Fair.

Does Canton Fair still have magic power? Of course it does! Nearly 70 years later, the Canton Fair is still revitalized, proving that the “oldies” are still sometimes “goodies”. Fairgrounds